Business As Usual

The Day One Society is highly specialised and offers 3 types of stokvels , the first is the is the Starter Pack, the second is the BAU(Business As Usual) and lastly the PRO stokvel. Here we are going to explore the BAU stokvel

BAU, or Business As Usual in full, is the optimum stokvel for anyone who is intent on flexibility and the best Saving experience with little to no risk or volatility. There is also the added benefit of becoming an SME if you maintain goodstanding across all your stokvels. So in other words you can start and run your own stokvel autonomously


Familiar with the terms "umasiholiswano, istokvel somjikelezo"? No matter the name you may know it as, we as Day One are to make that Mali Eningi for you.

We offer our stokvels in 3 primary languages including isiZulu, English and Afrikaans however other South African languages are supported provided your SME is fluent in it.

join now



Stokvel saseMafini

An ON-DEMAND Stokvel at the palm of your hand, all your finances and stokvel meetings presented on your cellphone. All your personal information and bank information securely protected in the cloud. Move from one stokvel to the other, join as many stokvels as you'd like, all of this right on your cellphone!


SMEs Here To Help You

Our Subject Matter Experts are one text away. Whenever you feel unsure about something, don't hesitate to contact your SME to get some clarity. SMEs are provided to you as a Resident free of charge. You can also ask fellow Residents for assistance as well. Unlike the Starter Pack Stokvel, Residents in the BAU Stokvel can become SMEs if they reach the requirements since being an SME is a huge responsibility


Make That Money

Stokvels(ROSCA,ASCA) have been around for centiries. The model is tried and tested. Day ONE takes a modern approach to how we do business. The advent of new crytographies and new ETFs means we as Day ONE can do all the heavy lifting while ensuring that your funds are always in a growth trajectory. Scams and scammers, robberies and ponzi schemes have brought the name of Stokvels into disrepute countless times. Day ONE and it's Socety are reversing all the bad 1 Resident and 1 Stokvel at a time

Let's Do A Comparison

We have tabled differences between our range of Stokvels. There is also a dedicated Docs section as well as our Residential blog to help you better understand our ecosystem to assist with picking the right Stokvel or Stokvels for your budget.

starting from


  • Weekly
  • Fortnightly
  • 15th
  • Monthly
  • Annually
  • Traditional Stokvel
  • Become SME
  • Own Stokvels
  • Leverage
  • Home Loan
  • Overdraft
  • For SMMEs

join Starter Pack


starting from


  • Weekly
  • Fortnightly
  • 15th
  • Monthly
  • Annually
  • Traditional Stokvel
  • Become SME
  • Own Stokvels
  • Leverage
  • Home Loan
  • Overdraft
  • For SMMEs

starting from


  • Weekly
  • Fortnightly
  • 15th
  • Monthly
  • Annually
  • Traditional Stokvel
  • Become SME
  • Own Stokvels
  • Leverage
  • Home Loan
  • Overdraft
  • For SMMEs

All of this information may seem daunting and abundant however with the right help and time, you will be able to pick the one that works for you. In fact, we strongly suggest that you take the Starter Pack if you are unsure since it is our most beginner friendly with guaranteed returns

Day ONE is NOT a Bank