Grow Save Move Send Fund Bank like a PRO

Please note that losses can exceed deposits, high barrier of entry environment, experience is strongly advised before opting in. This stokvel is currently unavailable

Are You A PRO?

Are you bearish? Are you bullish? Or are you a self-proclaimmed money making machine? Read along to understand why having the PRO Stokvel is a necessary weapon in your arsenal

Whether you're looking to save up to buy your first house or you're looking to become an Estate investor and not to sure where to start. Whether you are into fundimental investing or looking into entrusting your hard earned money into a fund one small payment at a time. All the aforementioned have healthy saving and healthy investing in common. Preparing for the future requires substantial returns in the face economic uncertainty
A Hybrid Model

Sometimes all you need to make a fortune is to have like minded people in your corner. We did just that. We have developed a highly complex hybrid model that brings together all the characteristics of bustling marketplace thriving with buyers and sellers at its core, daily.

Regional and Global markets

Diversify Retirement Plans

Saving for tomorrow starts today. Entrusting your employer to secure your retirement is only half the battle. As an employee, it is imperative that you do a rain check and add onto what you will get from your employer. The PRO Stokvel is our most advanced offering that has been tailored to steer your financial future into certainty provided that you follow cost conscious spending habits and are within the recommended income bracket. Through numerous Resident interactions and our observation of the South African economic landscape since 1994, we found that there was a strong need to have a wealthsmith by your side who will not only advise you on your financial security but who will also assist in building a secure investment portfolio that will look to ensure the continued welfare of your family incase of retrenchment, unitmely death, unforeseen medical expenses and your eventual retirement. Life policies, funeral cover, income cover, medical and so much more. These are necessary expenses to help you in case of anything unforeseen and untimely were to happen.

Robust Stokvel Model

The PRO Stokvel comes standard with a high barrier of entry, this is primarily because we seek Residents who know and understand that Returns are not guaranteed and that Losses can exceed deposits. This also means that Earnings have plenty of potntial to exceed estimations partly due to the quick nature of the markets and other instruments. Furthermore Taxes are the sole responsibility of the Resident and we stronlgy support Tax compliance, High pay-outs and part thereof are subject to taxes. When it comes to the Stockvel in question, it is our most robust. If you'd like to know the specifics you will have to set up a meeting and from there a rep will be in contact to conduct a risk analysis.

Penny Stocks

Penny stocks are securities not listed on a major exchange but instead traded via a broker-dealer network. These stocks have a strong following, if you are an avid penny stock trader ie you invest in penny stocks then you are in luck because the PRO Stokvel opens up that world in a way never imagined before. South Afriaca is a hot bed for penny stocks, the township economy as of 01 june 2023 stands at R900 billion with approximately 60% considered formal and 40% informal. An estimated 17% of South Africans are employed through the informal sector. In essence these are penny stocks all not qualifying for formal funding in most cases, We have witnessed over the years that big blue chip companies had their time as penny stocks. When invested into at the right time, these penny stocks can multiply returns in the 1000% overnight however caution should be exercised. We employ a system of vetting all of the penny stocks before we present them to you

Speak To Your FInancial Adviser Today

Like any and all Financial endeavors, we strongly suggest consulting with your Financial Adviser to get clarity and a proper risk analysis. The PRO stokvel doesn't require a credit check as we use our in-house vetting system to see the feasibility and credit worthiness of your application. We are obliged to provide healthy financial options to our Residents, meaning if you don't meet a certain criteria then you will not be considered for the Stokvel. This is to promote healthy spending habits and to avoid financial burdens for you the Resident. Day ONE is not a fiancial adviser and we do not give financial advice. Kindly seek advice from regulated, approved and qualified financial advisers.

Your Funds

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Easy transfers


Our Stokvel




No. Day One and it's Society are not FSPs(Finanacial Services Providers) because we don't have to be one. "Board Notice 43 of 2013 exempts Stokvels and Burial Societies from being licensed. This obviously means that they no longer fall under the jurisdiction of the FSB." follow this link for more on this, adapted of Moonstone
Each stokvel consists of only 5 members, this means there cannot be more than 5 people in one stokvel at any given time. We as Day One register and allocate residents to a stokvel, we do the admin and treasury duties too. All you have to do is sign up and we do the rest
Loans are available but only to our residents, meaning if you are part of our stokvels then you are eligle for a loan at reduced interest rates. Short term. medium term and long term are available. It is worth noting that since we charge interest on our loans, by law we are obligated to register with the NCR(National Credit Regulator)
ROSCA stands for Rotating Savings and Credit Association, ASCA stands for Accumulating Savings and Credit Association. A rotating savings and credit association (ROSCA) is a group of individuals who together act as an informal financial institution. A ROSCA uses a common fund to which individuals contribute a set amount on a regular basis (usually monthly), while one member withdraws the funds at each meeting.Follow this link for more information on ROSCAs. The central difference between ASCAs and ROSCAs is that each time a ROSCA group meets and savings are collected, the whole pot is then immediately in the same meeting redistributed to one or several members of the groups. ASCAs do not give the funds to anyone, but lend the funds to willing borrowers with interest.Click here for the full article
In the Day One context, SMEs are Subject Matter Experts ie your source of help.these individuals are your human alternative to the self help online portal. We understand that nothing can replace the human element and SMEs are just that. So if you want help or you are unsure about something just ask your SME. Each stokvel on whatsapp has an SME. Long standing Residents who have a good track record become SMEs so these individuals have invaluable information